20 Apr SMS Taxi Payment
“Mum, dad, don’t worry, I’ll come home by taxi tonight”. What parent wouldn’t want to hear this from their teenage son who is going out for the evening with his friends? From now on it’s a reality. It’s not just companies and professionals who can use 4390 Taxi Firenze’s STP (SMS Taxi Payment) service and pay their taxi fare by SMS, families can now also take advantage of the service. It’s now possible to activate every family household members’ mobile, including minor children, so that they can pay the taxi at any time, without the need to carry cash on them.
STP therefore offers youngsters, women and the elderly the opportunity to travel about safely in the daytime or at night, without having to carry any cash. The subscriber can also track on the Internet up-to-date information on all journeys made, with the date and time of departure and arrival and related cost, and can determine any restrictions on use for each user of the pre-paid taxi (time, days of the week, city, etc.).

Simply activate the service and the system will allow any member of the family, whether spouse, child or in-laws, to pay the taxi fare by sending a simple SMS that must contain the code indicating the city (55 for Florence), the two-digit security code and the taxi driver’s licence number. If the customer is enabled, the taxi driver will receive the green light to proceed with the ride on his display.
Register to the service. Send an SMS with 55+ (your code) + (taxi licence number). The taxi driver will receive confirmation from the Operations Centre. At the end of the ride the customer will receive an SMS confirming the amount paid. For information or to activate the service write to info@4390.it or call number 055-4377741.